
- save time -

- achieve enrollment goals -

- make smart decisions -

What is GlassPack?

GlassPack is a powerfull software solution that provides inquiry management with a robust analytics and optimization engine. It is an all in one system to manage data across the entire enrollement lifecycle.

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Key Features

  • Lead Configuration

    Set fields you want to see in prospects’ profiles, and automatically update changes across the platform.

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  • Design & Technology

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a lorem quis neque interdum consequat ut sed sem. Duis quis tempor nunc. Interdum et malesuada.

    Learn More

  • Multi-Purpose Design

    Set fields you want to see in prospects’ profiles, and automatically update changes across the platform.

    Learn More

Why GlassPack

GlassPack is a powerfull software solution that provides inquiry management with a robust analytics and optimization engine. It is an all in one system to manage data across the entire enrollement lifecycle.

Student Inquiry

Set fields you want to see in prospects’ profiles, and automatically update changes across the platform.

Marketing Analytics
and Automation

Set fields you want to see in prospects’ profiles, and automatically update changes across the platform.

Costumer Relationship

Set fields you want to see in prospects’ profiles, and automatically update changes across the platform.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis, voluptatum deserunt debitis omnis minima, alias nulla magnam natus dicta, nesciunt earum tenetur sequi possimus. Eum explicabo quos ex natus adipisci.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis, voluptatum deserunt debitis omnis minima, alias nulla magnam natus dicta, nesciunt earum tenetur sequi possimus. Eum explicabo quos ex natus adipisci.

Discover what GlassPack can do for you

Trusted by our clients

GlassPack is trusted by over 150 of the world's leading universities. Our success is confirmed by our clients and we strive ro provide world class client relationship. Join us!


  • Our analytics tools provides you support in every step.

  • Proactively manage the adoption lifecycle and meet your demands.

  • Praesent scelerisque elit eget nuncfinibus mollis vitae et enim.

  • Set fields you want to see in prospects’ profiles, and automatically get updates.

  • Set fields you want to see in prospects’ profiles, and automatically get updates.

  • Our analytics tools provides you support in every step.

  • Praesent scelerisque elit eget nuncfinibus mollis vitae et enim.

  • Our analytics tools provides you support in every step.

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